
Sunday, January 8

Saturday's Workout

Hip abductor machine
90 lbs x 20
Hip adductor
50 x 5, 60 x 5, Then 60 x 6 really wide
Bw x 12
Then a bunch of stretching

45 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 10
135 lbs x 6
135 lbs x 6

135 x 10 overhand grip, regular stance
185 lbs x 8 sumo, mixed grip
225 lbs x 4 sumo, mixed grip, with belt

50 lbs (preloaded bar) x 10 each leg
These definitely near made me puke!
50 lbs x 10 each leg

Plate loading lying leg curls
15 lbs x 10 each leg
20 lbs x 10 each leg

Hip abductor (superset)
110 lbs x 10
120 lbs x 10

Hip adductor WIDE (superset)
60 lbs x 10
70 lbs x 12 (after the initial stretch it felt better)

Calf press in a leg press machine
220 lbs x 10
240 lbs x 10
260 lbs x 10

Situps on a decline bench with 25 lbs medicine ball
2 sets of 10
1 set of 6

Lying leg raises on an incline bench
3 sets of 10

Side bends with 10 lbs
10 each side for 2 sets

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