
Wednesday, April 4

CORE workout (Lower back and abs/obliques)

I modified this a little from what I wanted to do because I'm still sick.

Straight leg deadlift
Bar (45 lbs) x 10
Did some stretching in here
95 lbs x 10
115 lbs x 10
115 lbs x 10
115 lbs x 10
I didn't go up in weight on my ending sets because I was having trouble with both my grip and keeping my back straight at the higher reps.  Being able to keep your back straight is very important to prevent injury here.

Hanging leg raises
4 sets of bodyweight x 15

Good mornings
Bar (45 lbs) x 12
75 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 8
95 lbs x 8

Push sit ups
I did about 3 of these with 30 lbs but I couldn't take it with my cold and the blood rushing to my head

Precor abdominal isolator machine
80 lbs x 12
90 lbs x12
100 lbs x 12
110 lbs x 10

Precor back extension machine
(I had planned to do weighted 45 degree hyperextensions but am modifying again due to my cold)
120 lbs x 12
160 lbs x 12
200 lbs x 12
220 lbs x 20
(I threw in some extra reps bc it wasn't heavy enough)

Ab twists (preloaded barbell on back, like broomstick twist)
20 lbs x 20 twists to each side
30 lbs x 20 twists to each side

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