
Wednesday, January 2

Will Begin Daily Journaling

I know many of you have started New Year's Resolutions to lose some weight or get back in shape and don't know where to begin.  I am about to start doing a daily journal again to help you out!  And, ok to keep track for myself of course.  ;)  I am not concerned about my actual weight, but I do want to be more strict for having to wear a bathing suit in 2 months.

First things first.  I will NOT be counting calories or macronutrients (carbs, protein, fat).  Don't make things so complicated that you will fail.  The first step is to eat "clean" foods.  No flour, no sugar, no processed foods, no "diet" foods.  Just simply eat foods in their natural state.  When you get used to that, then you can move on to the next step.

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