
Tuesday, April 23

So..I was a bit of a failure, but I'm keeping on!

Over the weekend, my family convinced me...ok and I wanted...some take-out and some ice cream...I FELT LIKE SHIT!!!  I felt soo horrible, that I am fully convinced I need to remain gluten, dairy and soy free.  Right now I'm following full paleo, but I think for the long-term I will incorporate sweet potatoes, regular potatoes (just not regular consumption of french fries), brown rice, quinoa, and some rice and maybe even some occasional beans provided they are soaked (which I always do anyway)

Yesterday, I ate well and even made it back to the gym for a chest workout with my husband.  We met at the gym after I got out of work and the kids went to the daycare.  It worked out well for all of us, we came home and had some butterflied organic free range chicken.  It was yummy.

then I was BAD again, I had 2 graham crackers and half a glass of milk...after eating bad and them being in my house...I just couldn't resist.  And, then I couldnt sleep and I woke up with a stomach ache and feeling crappy.  So, needless to say I'm off all of it and I started my day with a big smoothie.

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