Friday, February 24

My daughter's lunch

I essentially had the same thing, but she wanted a picture of HER food.
Leftover coconut oil chicken and leftover chicken and veggies stir fry from dinner hubby made last night most likely sesame oil
Quinoa cooked in org chicken stock
And steamed broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots


I woke up starving this morning after not eating that much yesterday.  My chia muffin was kinda gross btw.  The flax one wasn't bad, wouldve been a lot better with some butter. :)

This morning's breakfast:
omelet with onions, yellow bell pepper, sundried tomatoes, and spinach with 2 omega 3 eggs and equal amount of egg whites
blueberries and oranges

I shared with the kids

as a snack I had some raw almonds

(note I'm now able to maintain my weight and flat stomach with some carbs in based on my every other day strenuous workouts, so I'm keeping them in)

Thursday, February 23

This Morning's Workout

Chin Ups
Bodyweight x 3,2,2,1,1,1

30 degree incline dumbbell bench
20 lbs x 8
40 lbs x 6,6,4
20 lbs x 16
(the 40s were really hard to get up, my shoulder was hurting)

Leg Press
180 lbs x 6
270 lbs x 6,5,5,5

Straight Leg Deadlift
45 lbs x 8
95 lbs x 5
115 lbs x 5,5,5,5

Barbell Curls
40 lbs x 6
50 lbs x 5,5,5,5

Dumbbell Front Raises
10 lbs x 8
15 lbs x 5,5,5,5

Push Sit Ups
35 lbs x 5,5,5,5
(this was hard!)

Tricep Cable  Pushdown
50 lbs x 6
80 lbs x 6
90 lbs x 5,5,5,5

Cable Lateral Raises (single arm)
10 lbs x 6
15 lbs x 5,5,5 (had to end the workout here, I was out of time)

Wednesday, February 22

Tomorrow's Food


So, tomorrow morning I somehow have to fit in my workout and be in a suit and leave the house by 7:30am to get to an 8:30am meeting.  In addition to picking out my clothes and getting my gym bag ready, I got my breakfast ready and my lunch and snacks are packed in a bag in my fridge.

So, here's food for tomorrow:

5am - tea w/  2 tbsp org half and half - 40 calories, 4g fat, 1g sugar

Postworkout Breakfast - 12 tbsp (measured by the grams on the label for the serving size) 
1/4 cup oatmeal (again measured by the grams on the serving size)
15g org raisins
1 tsp brown sugar
dash of cinnamon
311 calories, 26g protein, 3g fat, 51g carbs

6oz weighed cooked chicken breast cooked in coconut oil so I'm adding 1/2tbsp coconut oil to the list
2 cups spring mix greens
100g avocado
dressing: 2 tsp lime juice, 1 tbsp red wine vinegar, cilantro, salt and pepper
(will see how this is but coconut flavor seemed like it would go good with lime flavor)
470 calories, 55g protein, 26g fat, 11g carbs

My Snack and Dinner will be on the go b/c of my second job tomorrow, so I'm trying out Jorge Cruise's Energy Boosting Skinny Muffins from the Dr. Oz show (click the link for the recipe
This muffin is: 282 calories, 12g protein, 19g fat, 19g carbs (more than half is fiber).  I mixed all the dry ingredients and the coconut oil and I'm bringing the egg so I can make this fresh before I leave job 1.

For Dinner I'm trying the above muffin with chia seeds instead of flax seeds.  This muffin is:
242 calories, 10g protein, 17g fat, 17g carbs (again mostly fiber)

If I'm hungry when I get home, I'm going to have 1/2 a scoop of isopure protein and 2 tbsp almond butter before going to bed to hit my protein and fat numbers.
254 calories, 18g protein, 18g fat, 6g carbs.