Saturday, January 21

Cheat Day!

First, make sure to check out my workout to see I've earned this cheat day.  Second, my weight is now down to 136 lbs - Not bad since I weighed in at 142 on January 1st. 

A clementine

A slice of homemade banana walnut bread with some organic butter and a glass of organic milk..

Steel cut oatmeal cooked with org milk and org blueberries.

A Reeses PB Cup

some chicken and sweet potatoe casserole (w/ brown sugar & marshmallows)

then hubby insisted on 5 guys (he's starting a diet on 1/22)
I ate about 3/4 a "little cheeseburger" and some fries and a pepsi (regular not diet)

then I had 1/2 a pint of haagen dazs carmel cone

and I passed out in a carb coma lol

This Morning's Lower Body Workout


Seated Hip Abduction - Machine Similar to this
110 lbs x 20 (ouch)

Seated Hip Adduction - Machine Similar to this
70 lbs x 20

Bodyweight (BW) x 15

a Bunch of Stretching


45 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 5
135 lbs x 5
155 lbs x 5 (barely got the last one)

135 lbs x 10
185 lbs x 5
225 lbs x 5

195 lbs x 10
215 lbs x 10
235 lbs x 10

65 lbs x 10 (each leg)
75 lbs x 10 (each leg)

Lying Leg Curls - One Leg at a time
20 lbs (loaded on each side) x 10 each leg
25 lbs x 9

Standing Twists Similar To this
40 lbs x 10 each side
40 lbs x 10 each side

Push Sit Up with a 25 lbs medicine ball
12 reps
10 reps

Incline Leg Raises - with legs straight out not bent (its harder)
15 reps
15 reps

running at 1 incline at 8.5 mph
20 seconds run, 10 seconds rest, 8 cycles
did 1 min walking warmup, and 1 min walking cool down

followed with 2 scoops of Surge

Friday, January 20


Salmon marinated with dijon, soy sauce, evoo, and garlic with asparagus with a little org butter and garlic.


leftover turkey, broccoli, mushrooms, onions and red pepper cooked with garlic and great northern beans.  I had a few bites and the baby had a few bites and I'm saving the rest for a snack since I'm not that hungry (still full from my breakfast!)


I had a tea with cream
Then 3 omega 3 eggs, and broccoli, spinach, onions, mushrooms, green and red bell pepper, tomatoes topped with organic grated sharp cheddar. I shared this with my 10 month old who was inhaling it!

5:20am Workout

**Note: I started posting links to what the exercises are

A bunch of Stretching

Chin Ups
4, then 3

Incline Barbell Bench
45 lbs x 10
75 lbs x 5
95 lbs x 5
105 lbs x 3

Lat Pull Down
90 lbs x 10
100 lbs x 6
100 lbs x 5

Flat Dumbbell Bench
40 lbs x 6
45 lbs x 6
45 lbs x 6

Incline Chest Flies
15 lbs x 12
15 lbs x 10
15 lbs x 10

Single Arm Bent Over Row
50 lbs x 6
60 lbs x 6
65 lbs x 6

Standing Cable High Row
45 lbs x 10
50 lbs x 10
60 lbs x 10

rowing machine
20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds rest for 30 cycles (15 mintues)
To learn why view here:

I followed this up with 1.5 Scoops of Surge; I know I'm supposed to be eating real foods, but this seems to be making a big difference in burning fat and retaining muscle.

Thursday, January 19

This Morning's Good and Bad

I had intended on getting up early to get in some cardio, but when my daughter woke me up at 4:20am, I felt like death, and skipped my 5am workout to sleep in until 6am.  Yes, that right 6am is sleeping in for me lol.  I feel much better now, my body really needed the sleep after a very long work day yesterday and what will be a late work day today.  Its an excuse but sleep is important too!

On a more positive note, my size 4 work pants are loose on me today!  And, I'm starting to be able to see my lower abs underneath my lovely mom skin. :)

Breakfast was same as yesterday: 3 omega 3 eggs with spinach, green peppers & onions and sundried tomatoes with a little organic cheese. 

And I'm super boring and my lunch and snack will be my homemade chilli again. 

Wednesday, January 18


I'm out at a buffet work dinner, but I still managed to find some meat and veggies. This was all very oily and gave me a bit of a stomachache. Slice of turkey, shrimp and squid, a piece of fresh mozzarella, roasted red pepper, yellow pepper, portabella mushrooms, string beans and onions.

I wound up leaving about 1/4 or so of this uneaten because I couldnt finish it all.

This Morning's Full Body Workout



Lots of Stretching

Chin Ups
3, then 3

Push Ups


30 degree incline dumbbell bench
30 lbs x 20
30 lbs x 12

Bent Over Barbell Row
50 lbs x 20 underhand
50 lbs x 20 overhand

Lying Leg Press (legs straight up in air)
70 lbs x 20
70 lbs x 20
 (was definitely dizzy after this one)

Standing Single Arm Shoulder Press
15 lbs x 20
15 lbs x 17

Good Mornings
60 lbs x 20
60 lbs x 20

Ab Twists with Barbell (superset)
30 lbs x 20
30 lbs x 20
Tricep Bench Dip
BW x 20
BW x 20

Seated Calf Raises
50 lbs x 20
50 lbs x 20

Hanging Leg Raises (superset)
BW x 12
BW x 10
Biceps - 21s (superset)
35 lbs (barely finished 21)
35 lbs (barely finished 21)

I followed this up with 1 1/2 scoops of Biotest Surge.  

Tuesday, January 17


Veal cutlet cooked with olive oil and salt + pepper and topped with a mushroom, organic butter, garlic, parsley, and white wine sauce. I also had a glass of cabernet. It was a LOOONG day today.

Starting off the Day With VEGGIES!

I had a cup of awake tea with a little cream. 

Added a little organic butter to the frying pan and onions, green bell peppers, spinach, portabella mushrooms, and sundried tomatoes.  Then I added in 3 omega 3 eggs and made an omelet with a small amount of organic sharp cheddar cheese in the middle.  YUM.

Today's lunch & snack will be some of my homemade chilli (beef, onions, dark & light kidney beans, whole tomatoes (from my garden), tomato paste, diced green bell pepper, a little beer for flavor, and lots of various hot peppers (from my garden & super spicy).

This Mornings HIIT

20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds rest for 30 cycles

Bear with me b/c I don't know what some of these are called in the rotation:
- Single Arm Kettleball (20 lbs) Swings
- 180 degree turn squat jumps
-  push up on 15 lbs dumbbells, then while in plank position reach one arm up to the ceiling, then repeat other arm
- Jump up onto a little trampoline, do a jump, jump off

I repeated each exercise for 20 seconds, then rested 10 seconds, then moved on to the next for 20 seconds, etc.  The turning squat jumps were definitely the hardest for me.  My sides were killing me after this workout!

Monday, January 16

Bad Eating Day For Me Today...Almost No Veggies

I had very little time for myself today.  For Breakfast, I had about a scoop of chocolate isopure whey protein with a drop of mint extract and had 15 raw almonds.

Lunch was a piece of chicken breast seasoned with red pepper, cumin & garlic and a little less than half an avocado.

Dinner was a Turkey leg...I was salivating over this for some reason tonight.

 I got a crockpot of chilli cooking for lunches for the week...and that turkey leg came off of  a 14 lbs bird that I cooked to also have leftovers for meals during the week.

This Morning's 5 er 6am workout

10 pushups and stretching

Seated Shoulder Press in smith machine
Added 10 each side for 10
Added 25 lbs each side for 6
25 lbs x 6
25 lbs x 6

Rear delt machine
50 lbs x 10
60 lbs x 9
70 lbs x 5

Upright row
40 lbs x 10
50 lbs x 10
50 lbs x 10

Incline Skull crushers
35 lbs x 12
40 lbs x 10
45 lbs x 10

Hammer curls dumbbell
15 lbs x 12 each arm
20 lbs x 12 each arm

Tricep double rope pull down
60 lbs x 12
70 lbs x 8
70 lbs x 7

Bicep cable curls
20 lbs x 12
25 lbs x 10

I had wanted to do another set each for biceps and triceps and I had wanted to do some wrist/forearm work, but I got out of bed late and had to cut my workout short in order for hubby to get to work.

I followed up my workout with 1 1/2 scoops of Surge.

Sunday, January 15

Breadless Meatballs & Sauce

This was my first attempt at making pasta sauce and breadless meatballs.  And, it came out AMAZING!

First, add about 1/4 a cup of extra virgin olive oil to a large pot and then add about 3/4 - 1 cup of chopped onion and 5 TBSP garlic (we LOVE garlic so you can add less if you want).  Simmer.

Then I added 2 jars of tomatoes, one was plum tomatoes and one a regular jar (you could use 2 cans of whole tomatoes), about 2 tsp of salt, 1 tsp organic honey, a bay leaf.  and cook for 1/2 to 2 hours on low heat.

Then begin preparing the meatballs.  I began the same way by adding about 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil to a frying pan and adding in about 1/4 cup of onions and about 2-3 tbsp garlic. 

I added 2 omega 3 eggs, and 1 cup of grated cheese (like you put on pasta) to a bowl.

Then I added the contents of the frying pan and about 2 pounds of extra lean ground beef.  I also added salt, basil and oregano. 

Then I mixed it all up to a uniform consistency and formed balls.

Then I again added about 1 TBSP to the frying pan and fried the meatballs on all sides.

Then back to the sauce:  I added a can of tomato paste, dried basil (this was also from my garden), oregano, & pepper.  I also dumped in all the meatballs.

I then cooked on very low heat for several hours.  It needs at least 30 minutes, but the longer the better,  just keep the heat really low and keep stirring to not burn the bottom. 

Workout Postponed Today

Today's Shoulder and Arms workout will be postponed until tomorrow morning since my husband will be gone the entire time the gym is open today and the gym daycare sucks plus I don't want to take the kids out in below freezing temps.

So, today will be an off day.  Monday will be my shoulder/arms workout w/ HIIT, Tuesday will be HIIT, Wednesday will be a full body workout, Thursday HIIT, and then Friday Chest &Back, Saturday Lower Body.

Rest of Cheat Day

So, here's what I wound up eating.  I feel so gross, I think I'll definitely be eating much better of cheat foods next week such as more fruit and oatmeal and the like.

half an apple and peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk (all organic)
movie theater popcorn & m&ms
half of a chicken parm sub
a serving of ben & jerry's everything but the
and about 4 or 5 homemade chocolate chip peanut butter cookies and organic milk

i feel soo sick today