Thursday, March 15

Wednesday's Food

A bit off schedule again, but still similar to the plan.  I didn't feel like cooking this morning, so I made a shake:
  • 1 cup of coconut milk
  • 1/2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 12 tbsp egg whites
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • This totals 346 calories, 25g protein, 21g fat, 15g carbs, 4g fiber, and 8g sugar 
  • When I went to Whole Foods, I found a coconut milk that was unsweetened, so that should drop 6 carbs/sugar.  
For Lunch, I hit up the salad bar at whole foods again.

 For Dinner, I had some homemade beef stew (you can find the recipe under the tag recipes) and then a glass of wine and some pecans.

Wednesday, March 14

Tuesday's workout

Chest Dips
Bodyweight x 6, 4, 4, 3, 3

Full Squats
45 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 5
135 lbs x 5
155 lbs x 5, 3, 3, 3

Incline Skull Crushers
40 lbs x 10
50 lbs x 10
50 lbs x 8

BW x 10
+45 lbs x 5, 5, 5

Lying Leg Raises
3 sets of 15
these were killers!

Tuesday's Meals

Well, Tuesday didn't quite follow the plan either, but without flexibility I would get no where.  Since DLS has kept me from getting up at a reasonable time, I had a pure protein bar for breakfast.

For a snack, I had a serving of raw nuts - almonds, walnuts, and pecans.


Lunch was still my "Everything but the kitchen sink salad" 
  • baby spinach
  • kale
  • red onions
  • kalmatta olives
  • sundried tomatoes
  • grilled chicken
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • dressing of olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt & pepper, oregano, & basil
Dinner was still nachos but since it was postworkout I had my nachos on corn chips this time and were still served with avocado & sour cream.

Before bed I had a small glass of merlot and a half of serving of mixed raw nuts.

Tuesday, March 13

Monday's Food

Breakfast was my usual omelet: 3 omega 3 eggs, sundried tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, onions.

 Lunch: a can of tuna over baby spinach with feta cheese, kalmatta olives, red onion, mushrooms and a dressing made with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, oregano, and basil (dried leaves from my garden)
 Snack: raw pecans, walnuts and almonds.
Dinner: spicy chicken, peppers and onions, avocado, sour cream, and salsa. 

Monday, March 12

Sunday's food

Sunday went a LOT better.

For breakfast I had the chocolate egg coconut shake from my meal plan (sans banana) for breakfast.  It definitely filled me up and kept me full all through my workout.  yay.  i think this is definitely a winner.

After my workout I had some grilled chicken, yellow squash, red pepper, red onion, mushroom, and asparagus.  All cooked with a little olive oil and some adobo.  My portion was 2 of the kabobs and 2 mushrooms and a few asparagus.

 I then served it over a serving of quinoa that had been cooked in vegetable stock and garlic. 

Then after lunch I was doing work on my basement and pushing heavy wheel barrels around again, and playing with my kids in the yard.  Then for dinner, I had Parmesan crusted tilapia, garlic and herb purple potatoes, and asparagus, mushrooms, and squash.  This was soo good.  

Saturday's food

Saturday became a bit of a mess.

I started out with my usual omelet and then my morning errands which should've had me back at the house before noon were significantly delayed and I didnt get back until almost 3 AND then the pork chops I had defrosting were bad :(  My husband put his food down and ordered some chicken parm sandwiches and pizza.  I ate some and then felt so sick, I had a headache, felt like someone punched me in the stomach, my sinuses hurt, and I was exhausted.  I spent the rest of the day on the couch and then only could stomach a bowl of kashi cereal.

Needless to say I'm pretty positive I just cannot handle wheat products.  I'm still bloated from it.

We live and we learn..

Friday's Butternut Squash & Sweet Potato Fries

 Preheat oven to 425F.  Take a Butternut Squash and slice it down the middle.
 If the bottom part has nothing more than seeds, cut off the seeded part and discard.  For larger squash, you may be able to scoop out the seeds and still have a decent amount of flesh left to use.  Then cut the skin off and either use a slicer or cut into rectangle slices.  I got this slicer for $10 and it makes the process much easier.
 Then peel and slice a sweet potato.  Again, super easy with a slicer.
 Then I put it all in a gallon size ziplock bag and added about 1 tsp or 1/2 tbsp of olive oil and about 1/4 a tsp of salt and shook it up to coat the "fries"
 I then put foil on a baking sheet and sprayed with an olive oil nonstick cooking spray.  (if you don't spray these will stick, use either an olive oil spray or you can use a brush or papertowel and lightly spread olive oil around so that they don't stick)

Then bake at a 425F until crispy.  (Butternut squash may not get very crisp, they will be more soft)

Sunday's workout

I worked out with my husband again, so I changed things up a bit. 

First I did some Abs
Lying Leg Raises
2 sets of 12

Push Sit Ups
25 lbs x 12

BW x 12

Hip Abductor and Adductor Machine
1 set of 15 reps on each

Leg Press
180 lbs x 10
270 lbs x 10
320 lbs x 8
360 lbs x 4

Front Squats
45 x 10
65 x 10
95 x 10
105 x 10

135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 1/2 (didnt get it all the way up)

Close Grip Pull ups
Neutral Grip Pull Ups
Chin Ups
2, then 3 assisted
2, then 2 assisted
2, then 2 assisted
Wide Grip Pull ups on Dip Assist