Saturday, March 3

Unconventional Breakfast

I was so sick of eggs this morning, so I had a tuna salad (can of tuna, a good amount of onion, sundried tomatoes, olive oil mayo, onion powder, salt and pepper) in between romaine lettuce leaves. And on the side, I had about a half of a cup of berries (3 strawberries, 3 blackberries, and maybe 10ish blueberries) with a little whipped cream.

Buffalo Drumsticks

I had some drumsticks that were sitting in my freezer, so I decided to make some buffalo sauce: - and cook them up in the crockpot.  they had good flavor - just don't expect them to taste like buffalo wings or tenders from going out - since those are breaded and fried.  All in all were yummy though.  :)

Dinner I wasn't feeling good and had some pb on a rice cake. 

Friday, March 2


I started out with a little coconut oil in the pan, then added org spinach, green bell peppers and onions, mushrooms, and sundried tomatoes and cooked until softened.  I then added in 4 omega 3 eggs and cooked into an omelet.  I then sprinkled with a little parmesan cheese (i'm trying to start to cut down on the cheese I'm eating) and salt and pepper.  I also had 2 slices of uncured bacon and I had a cup of tea with organic half and half.

Last Night' Legs and Shoulder Workout with My Husband

Hip Abduction
110 x 15
110 x 12

Hip Adduction
50 x5, 60 x 5, 70 x 5 in one set, i needed to stretch out
70 x 5, 80 x 5, 90 x 5 in one set

45 lbs x 10
95 x 6
135 x 6
155 x 5
185 x 2

Leg press
180 lbs x 8
270 x 8
270 x 4

Seated Military Press
45 lbs x 10
65 x 6
85 x 2
75 x 5

Standing dumbbell shoulder press
20 lbs x 15
20 x 9

Lateral Raise
10 lbs x 8
12.5 x 8
15 x 8
20 x 8

Front Barbell Raises
30 lbs x 8 underhand
30 lbs x 8 Overhand
30 lbs x 8Underhand
Seated Reverse Fly
50 lbs x 10
60 x 8
70 x 4

Then dinner was nachos and I had a bowl of cheerios while waiting for the nachos to cook b/c I was starving.

Thursday, March 1

Today's plan

english breakfast tea with organic half and half (id use organic cream if i could find it)
omelet with org spinach and green bell peppers and onions and sundried tomatoes, 2 o3 eggs and some egg whites

lunch is mardi gras salad from muscle maker grill

dinner is tbd and unless something else gets in the way, a workout will occur prior to this dinner lol.  I forget my husband's schedule, but I think I'm tagging along for a legs and shoulder workout.

Wednesday, February 29


Tonight's dinner. Spicy coconut chicken curry.

I mostly followed the recipe except that I had organic pasture ghee that I bought at whole foods and I bought a container of curry spice - in the spice isle, not the goo full of sugar that is served in the international section.

The recipe was OK, but I would definitely take out the cinnamon stick, add more hot pepper, and leave out the cilantro.  

Today's Breakfast, Lunch, & Snacks

English Breakfast tea w/ organic half & half

Omelet made with omega 3 eggs, added egg whites, cooked with a little pasture butter, and org spinach, onions, green & yellow bell peppers, and sundried tomatoes topped with white cheddar.

cup of low sodium miso soup

1 cup of my homemade chilli (recipe here under recipes tag)

1/2 scoop of isopure and a "skinny muffin" topped with a little pasture butter (the muffin is a bit dry)

Tuesday, February 28


Today started off with a continuation of feminine problems including a severe headache, which is subsiding with the help of some Aleve and caffeine.

Breakfast - ezekail english muffin with organic peanut butter
Snack - 3 hard boiled eggs
Lunch - homemade chili
Snack - raw almonds

Post workout
garlic chicken with rice/quinoa pasta with 3 tbsp classico alfredo sauce
some oreos & milk (note feminine problems lol)

Today's workout - Chest and Bis

Flat Barbell Bench
45 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 6
115 lbs x 2 (assisted)
115 lbs x 2 (assisted)

Incline dumbbell bench
35 lbs x 10
40 lbs x 8
45 lbs x 6

Decline Barbell Bench
95 lbs x8
95 lbs x 10
105 lbs x 10

Incline Dumbbell chest flies
12.5 lbs x 10
15 lbs x 10
15 lbs x 8

Preacher curls
35 lbs x 10
40 lbs x 10
45 lbs x 10
50 lbs x 6

Cable Bicep Curls
15 lbs x 10
20 lbs x 10
25 lbs x 10
30 lbs x 10

Reverse Curls
30 lbs x 10
40 lbs x 10
50 lbs x 10
60 lbs x 6 i think?


So, yesterday was supposed to be a workout day, but I'm full of somewhat justifiable excuses.  I had severe feminine issues and well leave it at that. 

My day was an on the run 12+ hour day.  And, here's what I ate:
3 hard-boiled eggs in the car on the way to work that I boiled while in the shower
Tuna over lettuce, red & yellow peppers and black olives (this was a catered meal and the best I could pick) and some almonds I had in my purse
snack a protein bar
dinner (at a restaurant) a few pieces of the best fried calamari ever (not good! but I had to) and some salad, and a piece of salmon and a few bites of chickpeas.

Sunday, February 26


Ezekial english muffin with org peanut butter, blueberries, and a mandarin.

Yesterday's lunch

I forgot to put this one up. Chicken, onions, and peppers cooked with a little coconut oil and tons of paprika, cumin, cayenne, garlic, onion, salt and pepper. Then put on an ezekial tortilla and white cheddar cheese and toasted. Served with avocado and sour cream.