Saturday, January 14

Saturday's Lower Body Workout

Bw x 15
Hip abductor
100 lbs x 20
Hip adductor
60 lbs x 5, 70 lbs x 5, 80 lbs x 10

45 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 6
135 lbs x 5
145 lbs x 5

Deadlifts all mixed grip, semi wide stance, no belt or straps
135 lbs x 10
185 lbs x 6
205 lbs x 6

Standing Calf Raises
115 x 10
155 x 10
195 x 10

Lying Leg Curl
10 lbs x 10 each leg
20 lbs x 10 each leg

Lunges (superset)
50 lbs preloaded bar x 10 each leg
2 sets
Standing ab twists (superset)
30 lbs x 10 each side
2 sets

Hip abductor (superset)
120 lbs x 10
130 lbs x 10
Hip adductor (superset)
70 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 10 then 100 x 8 (like 5 second rest in between)

Decline sit ups with 25 lbs plate (superset)
10 reps 2 sets
Lying leg raises (superset)
10 reps 2 sets

Followed by 2 scoops of biotest surge

Friday, January 13

Tonight's Chest and Back Workout

Chin ups
3 then 3
(Yay! Finally got another one :) )
Lat pull down
90 lbs x 5
90 lbs x 5
100 lbs x 4
Rotator twists
12.5 lbs each arm
Incline barbell bench
45 lbs x 10
75 lbs x 5
85 lbs x 5
95 lbs x 5
105 lbs x 2
Bent over Row - single arm dumbbell
40 lbs x 6
50 lbs x 6
60 lbs x 5
Flat dumbbell bench
35 lbs x 6
40 lbs x 6
45 lbs x 5
Seated row
70 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 10
110 lbs x 6
Chest flies - incline dumbbell
12.5 lbs x 10
15 lbs x 8
15 lbs x 7
Interval cardio
Running at 9 mph and 2 incline
20 seconds run, 10 seconds rest
3 cycles
8 mph, 1 incline
7 cycles
= dying
Walked for 5 min to calm down
Sipped biotest surge during workout and slammed the rest of my 2 scoop portion at the end


My original plans for fish didn't work out bc lunch was late (at 1:30) so I cooked up some ground beef with chopped onions, some great northern beans cooked with some olive oil, garlic, a bay leaf, and a little white cooking wine (these tasted awesome! The kids thought so too), and some steamed asparagus, corn, and carrots. I didn't eat the carrots though the kids stole them.

Last night and breakfast

Well last night went down hill, let's just say I was starting a new position and had my babysitter show up with my kids causing a scene and cause damage to my car. I wound up having a tea, a detour bar, and then 2 hard boiled eggs before bed.
Breakfast this morning is 3 o3 eggs, peppers, onions, sundried tomatoes, and a little organic sharp cheddar.
I was also planning on doing some morning cardio but both of my kids were up before 5, so that didn't happen. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I will actually make it to the gym the way things have been going. Oh yeah, I'm also sick with a headache and a sore throat.
Fun times!

Thursday, January 12

Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch

I had a green tea and the remaining 1/4 of my green egg & veggie dish for breakfast (I know I'm sooo exciting), then for a snack I had some raw almonds and cashews.

Lunch I threw together this morning from what I had left in the house.  I really need to do some food shopping.  Organic spring mix lettuce, a can of tuna, kalmatta olives, sundried tomatoes, red onions, feta cheese, topped with olive oil and balsamic vinegar and a little salt and pepper.  And, it doesn't taste bad.  I'm also unable to finish it all in one sitting.  I brought more almonds and cashews with me as a snack if needed.  I think I may need to start drinking protein shakes again if I can't get myself to make or bring more protein.  Next week will be better!

This Mornings Intervals

This morning I did 15 minutes of intervals - 20 seconds of max effort with 10 seconds of rest.
I alternated the following exercises:
jumping jacks (my daughter was up and insisted on this one)
20 lbs kettle ball swings
burpees with a pushup
lunge jumps (alternating legs in lunges)
hand walkouts
all of this was done as fast as I could for 20 seconds

Last Night's Dinner

Broil flounder for like 3-5 min on on side flip and coat with paste made from butter, olive oil, garlic, and grated parmesean (amounts don't matter as long as its like a paste), and then broil for 3-5 more minutes. On the side is shrimp stirfry (a frozen stirfry bag for the veggies) cooked in sesame oil. All I have to say is YUM for this meal.

Wednesday, January 11

Today's 5am Workout!


Chin ups
3, Then 2
(one day maybe I'll be able to do more :(  )

Bw x 15


30 degree incline dumbbell bench
30 lbs x 20
30 lbs x 16 (to failure)

Bent over rows with preloaded barbell
50 lbs x 20 underhand grip
50 lbs x 18 overhand grip (did until failure)

Lying Leg Press (legs straight up in the air)
50 lbs x 20
50 lbs x 20

Standing single arm shoulder press
20 lbs x 12 each arm
20 lbs x 12 (did this set double to make it easier)

Straight leg deadlifts
45 lbs x 20
65 lbs x 20

Seated calf raises
45 lbs x 20
45 lbs x 20

Tricep bench dip
Bodyweight x 20
Bw x 17 (Did them til failure)

Ab Twists with 20 lbs barbel
20 each side x 2

Biceps - 21s
30 lbs barbell for 2 sets

Kneeling Cable Ab Crunches
80 lbs x 20
90 lbs x 20

I wanted to get in some quick cardio, but I ran out of time since I now only have an hour left to shower and get myself and 2 kids dressed and fed for work/daycare!

Sunday, January 8

Dinner and breakfast for the work week

My family decided that they HAD to have pizza tonight so I had leftover salmon and asparagus.
Then I baked some eggs for breakfast - 2 cups egg whites, 8 omega 3 eggs, 1 cup of spinach, and prob 2 cups of portabella mushrooms, onions, green peppers, and sundried tomatoes. I then sprinkled a little parmesean cheese on top and baked at 350 for 25 minutes. Ill divide this by 4 and probably be stuffed!
I'm now defrosting 5 chicken breasts to cook up for the week too.
I'm chugging a water bottle and then will likely relax with a glass of wine and read some more of "the perfect 10" diet. (I'm reading it bc it was free on amazon this week)

Today's workout

Seated dumbbell shoulder press
Warmup 15 lbs x 10
25 lbs x 10
25 lbs x 10
25 lbs x 10
I'm definitely feeling shot from my workouts the past 2 days. My back is very sore (in a good way, not hurt way) and I'm not able to stabilize myself well.
Upright row with preloaded barbell
30 lbs x 10
40 lbs x 10
40 lbs x 10
Rear delt machine
40 lbs x 10
50 lbs x 10
60 lbs x 8

Incline skull crushers
35 lbs x 10
40 lbs x 10
40 lbs x 10
Hammer curls
15 lbs x 10 each arm
20 lbs x 10 each arm
Cable bicep curls
15 lbs x 10 each arm
20 lbs x 10 each arm
Tricep rope pull down
50 lbs x 10
60 lbs x10
60 lbs x 7
(My whole upper body turned red when doing the 60 lbs!)
Wrist curls (superset)
20 lbs barbell x 10 for 3 sets
Reverse wrist curls (superset)
20 lbs barbell x 10 for 3 sets
Arm extension machine (triceps) (superset w bi)
50 lbs x 10
50 lbs x 10
Arm curl machine biceps (superset w tri)
30 lbs x 10
35 lbs x 9

Saturday's Food

Cheat Day!

a strawberry kashi cereal bar and a glass of milk
then I went to the gym
my post workout meal
Then I came home and my husband had made blueberry waffle batter so I had a homemade blueberry waffle with butter, organic maple syrup, blueberries, strawberries, and whipped cream.  yum.
Then I had a few handfuls of organic oat bran pretzels
After my husband's workout he brought me home a bacon cheeseburger with mayo ketchup onions and lettuce from 5 guys and I shared a french fry with my hubby and daughter.
Then I had 2 pretzel bites from my daughters cup at the mall
then I had about 8 double stuffed oreos and a cup of milk
and then I stuffed myself further with about 2 servings of Imagine World Peace Ben & Jerry's

Saturday's Workout

Hip abductor machine
90 lbs x 20
Hip adductor
50 x 5, 60 x 5, Then 60 x 6 really wide
Bw x 12
Then a bunch of stretching

45 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 10
135 lbs x 6
135 lbs x 6

135 x 10 overhand grip, regular stance
185 lbs x 8 sumo, mixed grip
225 lbs x 4 sumo, mixed grip, with belt

50 lbs (preloaded bar) x 10 each leg
These definitely near made me puke!
50 lbs x 10 each leg

Plate loading lying leg curls
15 lbs x 10 each leg
20 lbs x 10 each leg

Hip abductor (superset)
110 lbs x 10
120 lbs x 10

Hip adductor WIDE (superset)
60 lbs x 10
70 lbs x 12 (after the initial stretch it felt better)

Calf press in a leg press machine
220 lbs x 10
240 lbs x 10
260 lbs x 10

Situps on a decline bench with 25 lbs medicine ball
2 sets of 10
1 set of 6

Lying leg raises on an incline bench
3 sets of 10

Side bends with 10 lbs
10 each side for 2 sets