Wednesday, February 15

US Nutrition Standards Force a Kid to Eat Chicken Nuggets over a Turkey Sandwich!

Check out this article from today.  I don't know how chicken nuggets can be seen as healthy.  I mean I don't thing that processed deli meat, chips, and juice are healthy, but replacing a turkey sandwich with chicken nuggets. come on!

2-14-12 Food

Had done spin class (prior to my posting yesterday) and then while I was in the shower hubby made some scrambled eggs, so I had that for breakfast.

Lunch and snack were leftovers from the night before: chicken breast, peppers & onions and avocado.

Dinner: some more chipless nachos.

So, I was good up until my forced bad food for Valentines with my husband.  Which involved some Riesling and chocolate covered strawberries. 

Tuesday, February 14

So, I don't know what I was thinking

...or maybe I do.  I LOVE doing cardio.  I may be a freak but I do love it.  5:30am spin  class is a kick ass way to start the day.  I love the endorphins and the energy it gives me for my day.  BUT, my love of cardio and group excercise is counterproductive to my GOALS.  I know this, and I knew this, but I don't know why I don't listen to what I know LOL.

My attempt at conforming to everyone else's ideas of weightloss, wanting to be in better cardio shape have left me with less muscle and flabbier.  UGH.

My husband has noticed my getting flabbier and has said I should stop dieting and he keeps trying to feed me.  And, I was considering this for awhile.  But, I just can't do it!  I know better than he does about how my body will react, and I know if I get to a lower bodyfat I will look as if I have more curves, not less.  I know because I've been there! 

So, my new plan is getting back to my basics of heavy lifting and carbohydrate restricting.  However, I first have to eat the chocolate covered strawberries my husband got for me today and I have to have our planned eating out this weekend.  (I will be sticking to my plan besides those 2 times) After that its ON!