Wednesday, April 11

Today's food

Yesterday, I had some hard boiled eggs and a bunch of fruits and veggies.  Today is mostly the same.

Here is the stuff I packed to eat at work today.  I will also have some cultured coconut milk.

Tuna salad in lettuce sandwich, red bell peppers, blueberries, omega 3 eggs, pecans, walnuts, almonds, clementines, banana

My body is finally near healthy so I plan on resuming my workouts this weekend.  I haven't been doing my weighted workout because I haven't wanted to put more stress on my body.  At this point I'm left with a runny nose and cough, my skin rashes and swollen throat have mostly cleared up.  :)  Without any medication:)

Tuesday, April 10

Paper Bag Popcorn

Who doesn't love popcorn and a movie?  What I don't love is transfat and chemicals in bags of popcorn.  Even "organic" and "natural" popcorn use unnecessary oils and "natural flavors."  

The amazing thing is you need none of these things to make popcorn.  All you need to do is buy plain popcorn kernals, put 3 tbsp of the kernals in a paper bag, fold it over, put 1 staple in it (i was afraid to do this but had no problems), and turn on the snack size popcorn setting on the microwave.  (If you do not have a small popcorn setting, then put in the microwave until the pops slow down).  

Then open up the bag and you have popcorn. It's really that simple.  If you want, you can top with some REAL pasture butter and salt or some cheese. 

Some of My Meals from when I was sick

 3 omega 3 hard boiled eggs, red bell pepper,avocado, clementines, blackberries & blueberries

 leftover london broil, baby spinach salad.

 paper bag popcorn

 chicken kabobs - chicken breast, red onion, red, yellow, orange, green bell peppers & grilled asparagus.
 2 omega3 hardboiled eggs, a clementine, a kiwi, and banana walnut bread made with almond & flax instead of flour - i'm still working on this recipe.

steak, spinach, onions, broccoli, red bell pepper salad.