Friday, April 26


For breakfast, I had 2 slices of applegate farms turkey bacon (nitrate-free) and a 3 egg omelet with spinach, mushrooms, and onions

I'll be on the go again, so I took the following with me Naked green machine (yes I have an obsession that I need to stop), a red bell pepper, raw pecans and walnuts, and blueberries.  (I had no time to cook up some protein that I should have done last night)

 I had 2 of these kabobs for dinner (this was what was made for the whole family)
Snack:  1 plantain carmelized in a non-stick pan with a  tiny bit of canola oil (much healthier than the version with butter and brown sugar and salt; next time I will try a light tasting olive oil)

Thursday, April 25


I started the day trying a new pinned smoothie,  It came out looking better, but I like the taste of yesterday's kale smoothie better.

I also had 2 eggs with this for breakfast.

Then I never had a chance to get any pics but had the following:

a blackened tilapia fillet over salad with oil & vinegar

then I was on the go and snacked out of my purse
an orange bell pepper
a small chicken breast
an apple

when I got home I snacked on sunflower seeds, a few pistachios (the salt made me really bloated, I have to find some unsalted ones) and a few pieces of dairy free/soyfree chocolate.

Wednesday, April 24

Yesterday Went MUCH Better

 For breakfast, I made a fruit and veggie smoothie to drink on the way to work.

 2 eggs and banana cakes
 leftover chicken and salad
red bell pepper

Then I went to the gym
leg curls, leg press, squats, hip adductors and abductors, and calf raises

Dinner Meatballs and Spaghetti Squash (I made the meatballs on Sunday)

Snack: 1/2 a cup of walnuts, pecans, raisins, and dairy & soy free chocolate chunks.

Tuesday, April 23

So..I was a bit of a failure, but I'm keeping on!

Over the weekend, my family convinced me...ok and I wanted...some take-out and some ice cream...I FELT LIKE SHIT!!!  I felt soo horrible, that I am fully convinced I need to remain gluten, dairy and soy free.  Right now I'm following full paleo, but I think for the long-term I will incorporate sweet potatoes, regular potatoes (just not regular consumption of french fries), brown rice, quinoa, and some rice and maybe even some occasional beans provided they are soaked (which I always do anyway)

Yesterday, I ate well and even made it back to the gym for a chest workout with my husband.  We met at the gym after I got out of work and the kids went to the daycare.  It worked out well for all of us, we came home and had some butterflied organic free range chicken.  It was yummy.

then I was BAD again, I had 2 graham crackers and half a glass of milk...after eating bad and them being in my house...I just couldn't resist.  And, then I couldnt sleep and I woke up with a stomach ache and feeling crappy.  So, needless to say I'm off all of it and I started my day with a big smoothie.