First of all, I'm a female with children (yes, more than one) hovering near 30.  I have gone from being lean to gaining lots of weight from pregnancy to losing it all again.  My biggest goal right now is keeping my diet in check to get my body back from my last pregnancy, most importantly gaining the muscle back I lost during my pregnancies (I lost at least 15 lbs of lean body mass).  

When I began feeding my children "table food" I was in shock to learn what is put into our foods.  As a parent, you are told to introduce foods 1 at a time, to check for allergens.  Upon reading the ingredients lists of many of the foods, I quickly discovered I did not want my children eating any processed foods.  And, if it wasn't any good for my children, why should I eat it? 

Do I follow a specific diet?  No.  My diet changes on a regular basis as I learn more and more how my body reacts to different foods and gain more knowledge on the subject.  There also is a balance between eating for health and eating for aesthetic purposes - fortunately these often go hand in hand.  My remaining questions on my diet are surrounding the different views out there - paleo or not?  grains?  beans?  dairy?  how much fruit?

I'm not perfect, but I try to lift weights on a regular basis and eat as much whole foods as I can.  I lead a very busy lifestyle and often still rely too much on protein supplements when short on time.  I am hoping to fix this.

This blog came about when many people started asking me how I lost so much weight after my last pregnancy.

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