Thursday, April 18

Paleo Day 7

 2 eggs from my free range chickens in a red and orange bell pepper ring, with blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and a kiwi slice.
tilapia with spices cooked in a non-stick pan and spaghetti squash.

As a snack, I had a cup of green grapes and I had another egg in a pepper slice.

Dinner:  London broil with mushrooms, onions, and garlic cooked in olive oil and red wine.

No exercise again, I'm still really fighting a chest and head infection.  :(

Wednesday, April 17

Paleo Day 6

My breakfast, lunch, snacks that I brought to work:

Banana Almond "pancakes" and blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and kiwi for breakfast
lunch is leftover butternut squash soup and a can of tuna over salad with homeade oil & vinegar dressing
snacks - 1/2 an orange bell pepper and pecans

My dinner a mini hamburger (my husband cooked it and put cheese on it and i tried to scrape as much off as I could :( ) with organic ketchup and homemade mayo in a lettuce bun.  An organic, nitrate-free hotdog, and butternut squash fries.

Tuesday, April 16

Paleo Day 3, 4, 5

Here's a look at some of the yummy foods I ate over the past 3 days:
Paleo meatballs (i used my breadless meatballs recipe and subbed 1 cup almond meal for the cheese) over spaghetti squash (my new favorite food)

 Banana Almond "pancakes"

 some grilled chicken that i took with me to work and put over a salad of catered food -since I didn't trust there would be any meat.
chicken kabobs - peppers onions and pineapple.

I also snacked on a lot of berries, had more of my naked green machine juice obsession (which i need to stop!) and some raw peppers.  I also had some uncured hot dogs and salad as a quick meal.

I will start posting workouts again soon too, I've been sick (part of the reason I haven't been posting on top of being really busy at work) and can't really breathe.  I'm hoping I will feel decent enough this evening to at least get a light workout in, but right now as my head is still hurting it isn't looking promising.

Monday, April 15

I'm still here but have been super busy ill post a 2 day recap later today.