Tuesday, January 3

Morning Workout

So, I dragged my booty out of bed at 4:20am to make it to the gym by 5am.  I had a cup of awake tea with a splash of milk along the way, and here's what I did:

Chin ups
3, Then 2
Bw x 15

30 degree incline dumbbell bench
15 lbs x 12 warmup set
(I need lots of warming up at 5am!)
25 lbs x 20 for 2 sets

Bent over rows with preloaded barbell
50 lbs x 20 underhand grip
50 lbs x 17 overhand grip (did until failure)

Standing single arm shoulder press
20 lbs x 10 each arm
15 lbs x 12 each arm
Shoulders really sore from last workout

Leg Press
90 lbs x 20
180 lbs x 20

Good mornings with preloaded barbell
50 lbs x 20
60 lbs x 20

Calf press in leg press machine
160 lbs x 20
180 lbs x 20

Bicep curls on camber curl machine
(Chose this one bc it was available)
20 lbs x 20 this range of motion is really hard for me
20 lbs x 20

tricep bench dip
Bw x 18
Bw x 11
Did them til failure

Weighted situps on decline bench
18 lbs x 12
18 lbs x 10

Completed in 67 minutes

Cardio - Intervals on Treadmill
13 min walking at 4mph and 1 incline
3 minutes of sprints at 8mph and 5 incline
1.23 miles
134 calories

Postworkout I had a cup of blueberry kefir again.  Anyone want to say they don't have time to workout?  :P

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