Sunday, January 1

Today's Workout

Now, today's workout is not part of my new plan.  It is what I needed to finish from this past week - Back, Triceps, and Biceps.  I also threw in some Abs and Cardio.

Chin ups
3 first set 
2 second set
(this was all I could do)

Lat Pull Down - wide grip
70 lbs x 10
80 lbs x 8

Single Arm Dumbbell Row
40 lbs x 8
45 lbs x 8
50 x 8

Dips & hanging leg raise
Superset 5 of each 
3 sets

Skull crushers
25 lbs x 20
35 lbs x 20

Seated Cable Row
70 lbs x 10
80 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 8

Cable bicep curl
Single arm
15 lbs x 20
2 sets

Cable crunches
80 lbs x 10
100 x 10
120 x 8

Tricep kickbacks
10 lbs x 12
12.5 lbs x 12
15 lbs x 12

Hammer curls
15 lbs x 20 each arm
2 sets

Then followed by 20 minutes of interval cardio
4 minutes walk at 4mph and 1 incline
1 minute sprint at 8 mph and 5 incline

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