Saturday, January 21

This Morning's Lower Body Workout


Seated Hip Abduction - Machine Similar to this
110 lbs x 20 (ouch)

Seated Hip Adduction - Machine Similar to this
70 lbs x 20

Bodyweight (BW) x 15

a Bunch of Stretching


45 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 5
135 lbs x 5
155 lbs x 5 (barely got the last one)

135 lbs x 10
185 lbs x 5
225 lbs x 5

195 lbs x 10
215 lbs x 10
235 lbs x 10

65 lbs x 10 (each leg)
75 lbs x 10 (each leg)

Lying Leg Curls - One Leg at a time
20 lbs (loaded on each side) x 10 each leg
25 lbs x 9

Standing Twists Similar To this
40 lbs x 10 each side
40 lbs x 10 each side

Push Sit Up with a 25 lbs medicine ball
12 reps
10 reps

Incline Leg Raises - with legs straight out not bent (its harder)
15 reps
15 reps

running at 1 incline at 8.5 mph
20 seconds run, 10 seconds rest, 8 cycles
did 1 min walking warmup, and 1 min walking cool down

followed with 2 scoops of Surge

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