Thursday, February 9

Today's Mishap

So, today started off ok:

5am - B12 supplement and tea w 1 tbsp cream
5:30am - 45 minute spin class
 6:15am - 3 BCAA capsules

then I got showered and dressed for work and packed my breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner (b/c I'd be working late), got the kids ready, dropped the kids at daycare, drove to work  


I realized I left the freaking bag of food on my kitchen table to be ruined.  Worse I realized this 5 minutes before work was to start and my only realistic option was the 7-11 a few blocks away.
So, the best I could do was a pure protein bar (20g protein, 6g fat, 16 carbs) from which the sugar alcohols gave me an upset stomach and 2 hard boiled eggs.  This brought my morning totals (with the cream) to:
390 calories, 32g protein, 20g fat, and 16g carbs

Then for lunch I got a Mardi Gras Chicken Salad from Muscle Maker Grill: Cajun Chicken, Turkey Bacon, Lettuce, Red Onions.  Which is supposedly
415 calories, 44grams of protein, 22g of fat, and 9g carbs (when it had tomatoes)


Only problem is I could only finish half of it!  So this will also be my snack and I will be pretty low on calories today.

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