Wednesday, April 4

Tuesday, April 3 Food Log

First off, I woke up with a terrible head cold - I took some vitamin D, a greens+ supplement, and a probiotic to hopefully help things out.  I also have a very sore butt (from my workout you pervs) this morning, which means my workout was good yesterday (seriously get the sick thoughts out of your head)

I was super lazy today, and my food sucks, which is the opposite I should be doing when fighting a cold.  But, I couldn't get myself ready fast enough for work this morning...I definitely need to get back in the habit of cooking my lunches for the week on Sunday.

Breakfast was a cup of tea with heavy cream and a protein bar (20g).

Lunch - 3 hardboiled eggs

I've had a green tea and a Tazo Passion tea.  The warm teas seem to be helping out my sore throat & head and chest congestion.

Snack 1 - 2 handfuls of  of pecans, almonds, and cashews and the same for blueberries and blackberries.  I also had a Tazo Awake tea with heavy cream.  This was definitely very satisfying.

Snack 2 - another 20g protein bar

 Chicken breast with onions and red and green bell peppers, mashed avocado & a spoon of sour cream.

for a snack I had some mixed raw nuts (pecans, walnuts, almonds) and a cup of cultured coconut milk.  

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