Monday, March 11

5am workout

warmup 5 minute stationary bike at level 5

12 pushups
50 mountain climbers
45 min rest
repeat 3 times

20 Goblet Squats with 35 lbs dumbbell
20 kneeling jump squats
12 bench dips (shouldve done more but i had recently done triceps and was sore as hell)
1 minute rest
repeat 3 times

20 jump squats
15 single arm dumbbell rows with 25 lbs (that's 15 each arm)
20 dumbbell lunges (across the floor) with 15 lbs dumbbells
45 seconds rest
repeat 2 times

20 dumbbell step ups with 15 lbs
12 lat pull downs with 50 lbs
45 seconds rest
repeat 2 times

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