Monday, April 23

This Morning's Workout

I'm going to try to be better about posting:

This morning: Glutes, Triceps, Calves.  I had to cut out some calves due to time constraints this morning.

Hip Abductor and Hip Adductor machines: 2 sets of 12 with 80 lbs, then 90 lbs on each machine

Really Wide Squats in Smith Machine
1x12 with bar
1x12 with added 25 lbs plates
1x12 with added 35 lbs plates
1x12 with added 45 lbs plates

Close Push Ups - all bodyweight, these are tough for me

Calf Press
240 lbs x 12
260 lbs x 12
280 lbs x 10

StepUps with preloaded barbell on back (superset)
50 lbs x 12 each leg
60 lbs x 12 each leg
60 lbs x 12 each leg

Tricep Bench Dip (superset)
bodyweight x 12
bw + 15 x 12
bw + 15 x 10

Single Leg Leg Press
50 lbs x 12 (each leg)
70 lbs x 12
90 lbs x 12

Tricep Rope Pull Down
60 lbs x 12
70 lbs x 12
80 lbs x 10

Barbell Glute Bridges
30 lbs x 12
50 lbs x 12
50 lbs x 12

Tricep Rope Extensions
50 lbs x 10
60 lbs x 8

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