Thursday, January 19

This Morning's Good and Bad

I had intended on getting up early to get in some cardio, but when my daughter woke me up at 4:20am, I felt like death, and skipped my 5am workout to sleep in until 6am.  Yes, that right 6am is sleeping in for me lol.  I feel much better now, my body really needed the sleep after a very long work day yesterday and what will be a late work day today.  Its an excuse but sleep is important too!

On a more positive note, my size 4 work pants are loose on me today!  And, I'm starting to be able to see my lower abs underneath my lovely mom skin. :)

Breakfast was same as yesterday: 3 omega 3 eggs with spinach, green peppers & onions and sundried tomatoes with a little organic cheese. 

And I'm super boring and my lunch and snack will be my homemade chilli again. 

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