Saturday, July 21

Thursday and Friday

Thursday night I didn't get home until after 8pm and I had grabbed a protein bar from a gas station. Not ideal either.


 Breakfast: my husband made eggs and bacon, so I made it a bit healthier by adding some broccoli.
Lunch & Snacks: I made the same salad I had yesterday and snacked on that all day.

Then I worked late and so did my husband, and then we had unexpected visitors, and my husband decided to order a pizza.  That was my dinner.   Really not good!  But its real life.

I'm going to have a veggie omelet for breakfast today.  I'll be back to posting on Monday as I have a packed weekend and need to spend time with my kids!

Thursday, July 19

Lunch and snack

Grilled chicken breast, black beans, corn, avocado, onion, evoo, lemon juice (I was out of lime), and cilantro.

7-19 Postworkout Breakfast

3 eggs baked with green peppers & onions and almond meal pancakes (almond meal instead of flour, still working on this recipe will add later).

Workout 7-19

Good mornings
45 lbs x 10
65 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 8

Lying leg curl - single leg
15 lbs x 10 each leg
20 lbs x 10
25 lbs x 8

Standing calf raises (the machine at my new gym is much harder than at the old)
80 lbs x 15
100 lbs x 15
120 lbs x 12

Single leg dumbbell deadlifts
10 lbs dumbbells x 10
10 lbs x 8
10 lbs x 7

Hip abduction superset
70 lbs x 12
80 lbs x 12
90 lbs x 12

Hip adduction superset
70 lbs x 12
80 lbs x 12
90 lbs x 12

Glute machine - bent over kick back
50 lbs x 10 each leg
62.5 lbs x 10
75 lbs x 10
87.5 lbs x 10

7-18 food

Here's my lunch and then snack, yes they are pretty much identical b/c I'm lazy lol.  Grilled chicken with half a sweet potato and string beans with a little organic butter.

Then for dinner I had a cheeseburger with no bun.  Again, not ideal, but I got home from work 2 hours late and that's what I got - a cold burger.  fun times.

Friday, April 27

Thursday Food

6am: protein shake and tea with cream

Above is a picture of the food I brought to work with me.

9:00am 1 cup of egg whites with spinach, sundried tomatoes, onions and bell peppers and 2 clementines and 1/4 an apple

green tea

11:30pm: chicken breast with a cup or so of mixed veggies and 4 oz baked sweet potato w/ cinnamon sprinkled on

green tea

3:00pm: 3 omega 3 eggs over salad with apple cider vinegar

6:30ish - postworkout shake at gym - chocolate protein, skim milk, banana and peanut butter - YUM

8:30 pm - peanut butter spread on a plain brown rice cake and a cup of organic whole milk

9pm - my husband brought home some ice cream so i had a serving of haagen daaz
(see i'm not always perfect, but I made sure my snack was after a workout, would've been better if closer to the workout though)

Thursday's Workout

Workout at about 5:30pm

Wide Lat Pull Downs
50 lbs x 10
70 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 8
90 lbs x 6

Lying Leg Raises
3 sets of 15

Bent Over Row on plate loaded lever
25 lbs x 10
35 lb x 10
45 lbs x 8
45 lbs x 6
my shoulder has been hurting and it was really hurting here

Seated Cable Row
70 lbs x 10
80 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 10

Rear Delt - Reverse Fly
50 lbs x 10
60 lbs x 10
60 lbs x 8

Preacher Curls - Single Arm
20 lbs x 8
20 lbs x 8
20 lbs x 7

Ab Coaster
1 set of 5 forward, 5 left, 5 right
1 set with 5 lbs added of 5 forward,5 left, 5 right
1 set with 5 lbs added of 5 forward, 5 left, 5 right, 5 forward

Cable Bicep Curl
20 lbs x 10
25 lbs x 8
25 lbs x 6

3 minutes walking at 3 then 4 mph
sprints for 8 minutes
15 seconds sprint at 10 mph, 30 seconds rest
cool down 2 minutes walking 3.5 mph

Thursday, April 26

Wednesday Food

6:30am- cup of Tazo Awake tea and 1 tbsp organic cream

8:00am - pumpkin protein pancakes - yeah I'm obsessed with these as a good way of getting in my morning protein, I'm sick of omelets!

12pm: more left over fajita spiced chicken over spinach with a dressing made with olive oil and vinegar & spices

3pm - 3 omega 3 hard boiled eggs

 Extra lean ground beef & cheddar cheese (cooked as burger and then cut up) over spinach salad w/ a small amount of homemade italian dressing (made w/ olive oil)

8:30pm: 1/2 serving of pumpkin protein pancakes and 28g mixed nuts.

Wednesday, April 25

Work & Jury Duty in the Way of Workouts

Yesterday and today I've had extra work to do and this evening I have jury duty at night court.  So, I've missed my workouts the past 2 days...this just means I will have to workout harder on the weekend.  I'll definitely have a workout posted tomorrow though.

Tuesday Food

5:00am 1 scoop Isopure and 2 tbsp flax seeds

green tea

8:00am - Pumpkin Protein Pancakes w/ a tiny bit of pasture butter
green tea

11:30am - 140g of chicken with fajita seasoning and spinach with oil & vinegar dressing

2:30pm - 3 omega 3 hard boiled eggs (again needs vegetables, need to do better planning)

6pm - 1 1/2 pieces of tilapia and the rest of my plate filled with asparagus that had been cooked with olive oil and garlic

8pm - 1 scoop of isopure and 2 servings of mixed nuts...should've went with 1 serving, but I was starving!

Tuesday, April 24

Monday Food

5am: 1 scoop of Isopure (25g protein) in water and 2 tbsp ground flax seeds

7:15am: postworkout 1 scoop of Surge Recovery

A cup of green tea

9:30am: 3 egg cupcakes (recipe later) and 1/8 cup steel cut oatmeal cooked in water and 2/3 cup wild blueberries

A cup of green tea

12:30pm: grilled chicken with red onions and bell peppers, 50g of great northern beans, and 4 tbsp pumpkin w/ 1 tbsp organic half and half and a tiny sliver of pasture butter w/ pumpkin pie spice

3:30pm: 3 omega 3 eggs ( I was supposed to also have veggies)

6pm: chicken breast with orange and yellow bell peppers and onions in fajita seasoning and 2 tbsp hot salsa

8:30pm: 1 scoop of isopure and 28g of pecans/walnuts/almonds

Monday, April 23

This Morning's Workout

I'm going to try to be better about posting:

This morning: Glutes, Triceps, Calves.  I had to cut out some calves due to time constraints this morning.

Hip Abductor and Hip Adductor machines: 2 sets of 12 with 80 lbs, then 90 lbs on each machine

Really Wide Squats in Smith Machine
1x12 with bar
1x12 with added 25 lbs plates
1x12 with added 35 lbs plates
1x12 with added 45 lbs plates

Close Push Ups - all bodyweight, these are tough for me

Calf Press
240 lbs x 12
260 lbs x 12
280 lbs x 10

StepUps with preloaded barbell on back (superset)
50 lbs x 12 each leg
60 lbs x 12 each leg
60 lbs x 12 each leg

Tricep Bench Dip (superset)
bodyweight x 12
bw + 15 x 12
bw + 15 x 10

Single Leg Leg Press
50 lbs x 12 (each leg)
70 lbs x 12
90 lbs x 12

Tricep Rope Pull Down
60 lbs x 12
70 lbs x 12
80 lbs x 10

Barbell Glute Bridges
30 lbs x 12
50 lbs x 12
50 lbs x 12

Tricep Rope Extensions
50 lbs x 10
60 lbs x 8

Wednesday, April 18

Tuesday Food Log

I had a cup of tea with organic half and half and a scoop of isopure in coconut almond milk.
 Breakfast: 3 omega 3 hard boiled eggs, 1/2 a red bell pepper, a clementine and a handful of blueberries.
 Lunch: leftovers from my kabobs: chicken, red, yellow, and green bell peppers and red onions that had been brushed with teryaki sauce and grilled.

For a snack, I had a scoop of vanilla isopure in coconut almond milk and a handful of mixed nuts.

Quinoa spaghetti and meatballs in sauce made with tomatoes jarred from our garden from last year.  (I don't consider the quinoa pasta better than whole wheat pasta, they are both flour stripped of nutrients and fiber, BUT it doesn't bloat me like wheat does).

Tuesday, April 17

Monday's food

When I first woke up I had a cup of tazo awake tea with organic half and half.  Then I had 6 oz of unsweetend almond coconut milk with 1 scoop of isopure.

 This is becoming my favorite pack ahead breakfast.  3 hard boiled eggs, half a red bell pepper, a handful of blueberries and a clementine.

 Lunch was leftover fajita spiced chicken over baby spinach, 2 tbsp of white and yellow corn, 3 tbsp of black beans, half an avocado, and oil/vinegar/lime/cilantro dressing.  YUM!

 Afternoon snack, 6oz unsweetened almond coconut milk with 1 scoop of isopure, almonds/cashews/pecans, and a green tea.

Dinner was teryaki chicken kabobs - chicken breast, red onion, yellow red and green bell peppers brushed with organic teryaki sauce, portabella mushrooms, and platanos fried in peanut oil (not exactly the healthiest but yummy).

Wednesday, April 11

Today's food

Yesterday, I had some hard boiled eggs and a bunch of fruits and veggies.  Today is mostly the same.

Here is the stuff I packed to eat at work today.  I will also have some cultured coconut milk.

Tuna salad in lettuce sandwich, red bell peppers, blueberries, omega 3 eggs, pecans, walnuts, almonds, clementines, banana

My body is finally near healthy so I plan on resuming my workouts this weekend.  I haven't been doing my weighted workout because I haven't wanted to put more stress on my body.  At this point I'm left with a runny nose and cough, my skin rashes and swollen throat have mostly cleared up.  :)  Without any medication:)

Tuesday, April 10

Paper Bag Popcorn

Who doesn't love popcorn and a movie?  What I don't love is transfat and chemicals in bags of popcorn.  Even "organic" and "natural" popcorn use unnecessary oils and "natural flavors."  

The amazing thing is you need none of these things to make popcorn.  All you need to do is buy plain popcorn kernals, put 3 tbsp of the kernals in a paper bag, fold it over, put 1 staple in it (i was afraid to do this but had no problems), and turn on the snack size popcorn setting on the microwave.  (If you do not have a small popcorn setting, then put in the microwave until the pops slow down).  

Then open up the bag and you have popcorn. It's really that simple.  If you want, you can top with some REAL pasture butter and salt or some cheese. 

Some of My Meals from when I was sick

 3 omega 3 hard boiled eggs, red bell pepper,avocado, clementines, blackberries & blueberries

 leftover london broil, baby spinach salad.

 paper bag popcorn

 chicken kabobs - chicken breast, red onion, red, yellow, orange, green bell peppers & grilled asparagus.
 2 omega3 hardboiled eggs, a clementine, a kiwi, and banana walnut bread made with almond & flax instead of flour - i'm still working on this recipe.

steak, spinach, onions, broccoli, red bell pepper salad.

Saturday, April 7

Updates soon

I have been keeping a log but I'm really sick and haven't been able to get to the computer. Ill update the logs later this weekend and I have some new recipes too.

Thursday, April 5

April 5th

I skipped my morning workout again for extra sleep.  I'm still fighting off a cold and some skin rashes and excema.  My body is really a mess from being forced to eat crappy processed food on my vacation in Disney World.  My vegetable options there were mostly just crappy lettuce and french fries. I'm starting to feel better each day though.

Please note:  my Friday workout will likely be postponed until Saturday because I have plans on Friday that will likely stop me from getting in a workout unless I get up before 5am which I don't really want to do.  My workouts would then be on Saturday and Sunday.  But, well see, maybe I'll get up, but I doubt it with this cold.

Wednesday, April 4th food log

First thing, Vanilla Spice Energy Tea with pasture heavy cream

Postworkout Breakfast

1/4 cup (measured dry) Steel cut oatmeal cooked in unsweetened coconut milk with blueberries & blackberries and a tiny bit of brown sugar, which actually was too sweet.  Next, time I will leave it out.  A cup of coconut milk with 1 scoop of vanilla isopure and 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder.

Leftover chicken with onions, red and green bell peppers and half of an avocado.


Generous serving of pecans, walnuts, and almonds.

 My Up The Vitamin C Dinner (to try to fight off this cold I got) london broil, with green beans, broccoli, red bell pepper, a clementine, a kiwi, and a little garlic grilled petite red potatoes (I couldnt resist them).

After this, I had 2 more clementines. 

Wednesday, April 4

CORE workout (Lower back and abs/obliques)

I modified this a little from what I wanted to do because I'm still sick.

Straight leg deadlift
Bar (45 lbs) x 10
Did some stretching in here
95 lbs x 10
115 lbs x 10
115 lbs x 10
115 lbs x 10
I didn't go up in weight on my ending sets because I was having trouble with both my grip and keeping my back straight at the higher reps.  Being able to keep your back straight is very important to prevent injury here.

Hanging leg raises
4 sets of bodyweight x 15

Good mornings
Bar (45 lbs) x 12
75 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 8
95 lbs x 8

Push sit ups
I did about 3 of these with 30 lbs but I couldn't take it with my cold and the blood rushing to my head

Precor abdominal isolator machine
80 lbs x 12
90 lbs x12
100 lbs x 12
110 lbs x 10

Precor back extension machine
(I had planned to do weighted 45 degree hyperextensions but am modifying again due to my cold)
120 lbs x 12
160 lbs x 12
200 lbs x 12
220 lbs x 20
(I threw in some extra reps bc it wasn't heavy enough)

Ab twists (preloaded barbell on back, like broomstick twist)
20 lbs x 20 twists to each side
30 lbs x 20 twists to each side

Tuesday, April 3 Food Log

First off, I woke up with a terrible head cold - I took some vitamin D, a greens+ supplement, and a probiotic to hopefully help things out.  I also have a very sore butt (from my workout you pervs) this morning, which means my workout was good yesterday (seriously get the sick thoughts out of your head)

I was super lazy today, and my food sucks, which is the opposite I should be doing when fighting a cold.  But, I couldn't get myself ready fast enough for work this morning...I definitely need to get back in the habit of cooking my lunches for the week on Sunday.

Breakfast was a cup of tea with heavy cream and a protein bar (20g).

Lunch - 3 hardboiled eggs

I've had a green tea and a Tazo Passion tea.  The warm teas seem to be helping out my sore throat & head and chest congestion.

Snack 1 - 2 handfuls of  of pecans, almonds, and cashews and the same for blueberries and blackberries.  I also had a Tazo Awake tea with heavy cream.  This was definitely very satisfying.

Snack 2 - another 20g protein bar

 Chicken breast with onions and red and green bell peppers, mashed avocado & a spoon of sour cream.

for a snack I had some mixed raw nuts (pecans, walnuts, almonds) and a cup of cultured coconut milk.  

Tuesday, April 3

Monday, April 2nd Food Log

Keep in mind, I am not "dieting." I am just eating normally and eating until I am full.  

AM - cup of Vanilla Spice Energy Tea w/ tbsp heavy pasture cream

Postworkout - 1 scoop of Biotest Surge

On the way to work, cup of Tazo Awake Tea and tbsp heavy pasture cream

Omelet: 3 omega 3 eggs, spinach, mushrooms, onions, red and green bell peppers, and sundried tomatoes cooked in some coconut oil
& a handful of blackberries and blueberries

 a can of tuna over baby spinach with feta cheese, mushrooms, and kalmatta olives

for a snack I had 1 scoop of Isopure protein in 6oz of unsweetened coconut milk with 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder and 30g of mixed nuts (raw pecans, almonds, and walnuts)

Then things went a bit downhill in terms of nutrition:

 I came home late from work and found this dinner my husband made with the worst things he could find in the house.  The chicken was fried in grapeseed oil making it slightly less horrible. Needless to say I found the breadcrumbs my husband used and threw them out.

Then to make things worse, the hubby ran out to do some errands and came back with a pint of hagen daaz carmel cone, that we split... As, I said, when cheating, make it good.  You won't see me eating any low-fat processed ice milk concoction from the supermarket :)

Monday, April 2

Beautiful Booty Workout 1

  • Legs almost as wide as the machine and toes slightly pointed out (it eases pressure of the hips).  I went much wider than the guy in the linked video.
  • Make sure to go down until your legs are parallel to the floor and squeeze your butt on the way up
  • 60-90 seconds rest between sets, basically just enough to stop panting and gasping for breath (and if you weren't gasping for air you didn't add enough weight!)
Bar x 5
50 lbs added x 10
90 lbs added x 10
90 lbs added x 10
90 lbs added x 10
90 lbs added x 10

Single leg 45 degree leg press 
60-90 seconds rest
90 lbs x 10 each leg
90 lbs x 10 each leg
110 lbs x 10 each leg
110 lbs x 10 each leg
110 lbs x 10 each leg

Machine kickbacks
At my gym I used the precor glute isolator 618
60-90 seconds rest
50 lbs x 10 each leg
60 lbs x 10 each leg
70 lbs x 10 each leg
My left leg failed

60-90 seconds rest
70 lbs x 10
70 lbs x 10
80 lbs x 10

I would've liked to do 5 sets on the last 2 exercises as well, but I woke up late and didn't have enough time before work to finish.

Sunday, April 1

Vacation Is OVER

My vacation is over, and I survived wearing a bathing suit.  Seeing other people made me feel a bit better about myself.  Now that I'm not focused on wearing a bathing suit, I'm going to shift my focus to muscle.  I won't be dieting or counting calories and I'm going to be shifting my workouts to focus on things I feel I am lacking.

Right now, I'm planning on my week looking something like this:
Butt workout
interval cardio
Lower Back & Abs Workout
interval cardio
Push workout (chest, quads, triceps, calves, abs, front shoulder)
Pull workout (back, hamstrings, biceps, rear delt)

But I'm still working on it.

I'll resume posting tomorrow.

Thursday, March 15

Wednesday's Food

A bit off schedule again, but still similar to the plan.  I didn't feel like cooking this morning, so I made a shake:
  • 1 cup of coconut milk
  • 1/2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 12 tbsp egg whites
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • This totals 346 calories, 25g protein, 21g fat, 15g carbs, 4g fiber, and 8g sugar 
  • When I went to Whole Foods, I found a coconut milk that was unsweetened, so that should drop 6 carbs/sugar.  
For Lunch, I hit up the salad bar at whole foods again.

 For Dinner, I had some homemade beef stew (you can find the recipe under the tag recipes) and then a glass of wine and some pecans.

Wednesday, March 14

Tuesday's workout

Chest Dips
Bodyweight x 6, 4, 4, 3, 3

Full Squats
45 lbs x 10
95 lbs x 5
135 lbs x 5
155 lbs x 5, 3, 3, 3

Incline Skull Crushers
40 lbs x 10
50 lbs x 10
50 lbs x 8

BW x 10
+45 lbs x 5, 5, 5

Lying Leg Raises
3 sets of 15
these were killers!

Tuesday's Meals

Well, Tuesday didn't quite follow the plan either, but without flexibility I would get no where.  Since DLS has kept me from getting up at a reasonable time, I had a pure protein bar for breakfast.

For a snack, I had a serving of raw nuts - almonds, walnuts, and pecans.


Lunch was still my "Everything but the kitchen sink salad" 
  • baby spinach
  • kale
  • red onions
  • kalmatta olives
  • sundried tomatoes
  • grilled chicken
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • dressing of olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt & pepper, oregano, & basil
Dinner was still nachos but since it was postworkout I had my nachos on corn chips this time and were still served with avocado & sour cream.

Before bed I had a small glass of merlot and a half of serving of mixed raw nuts.

Tuesday, March 13

Monday's Food

Breakfast was my usual omelet: 3 omega 3 eggs, sundried tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, onions.

 Lunch: a can of tuna over baby spinach with feta cheese, kalmatta olives, red onion, mushrooms and a dressing made with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, oregano, and basil (dried leaves from my garden)
 Snack: raw pecans, walnuts and almonds.
Dinner: spicy chicken, peppers and onions, avocado, sour cream, and salsa. 

Monday, March 12

Sunday's food

Sunday went a LOT better.

For breakfast I had the chocolate egg coconut shake from my meal plan (sans banana) for breakfast.  It definitely filled me up and kept me full all through my workout.  yay.  i think this is definitely a winner.

After my workout I had some grilled chicken, yellow squash, red pepper, red onion, mushroom, and asparagus.  All cooked with a little olive oil and some adobo.  My portion was 2 of the kabobs and 2 mushrooms and a few asparagus.

 I then served it over a serving of quinoa that had been cooked in vegetable stock and garlic. 

Then after lunch I was doing work on my basement and pushing heavy wheel barrels around again, and playing with my kids in the yard.  Then for dinner, I had Parmesan crusted tilapia, garlic and herb purple potatoes, and asparagus, mushrooms, and squash.  This was soo good.  

Saturday's food

Saturday became a bit of a mess.

I started out with my usual omelet and then my morning errands which should've had me back at the house before noon were significantly delayed and I didnt get back until almost 3 AND then the pork chops I had defrosting were bad :(  My husband put his food down and ordered some chicken parm sandwiches and pizza.  I ate some and then felt so sick, I had a headache, felt like someone punched me in the stomach, my sinuses hurt, and I was exhausted.  I spent the rest of the day on the couch and then only could stomach a bowl of kashi cereal.

Needless to say I'm pretty positive I just cannot handle wheat products.  I'm still bloated from it.

We live and we learn..

Friday's Butternut Squash & Sweet Potato Fries

 Preheat oven to 425F.  Take a Butternut Squash and slice it down the middle.
 If the bottom part has nothing more than seeds, cut off the seeded part and discard.  For larger squash, you may be able to scoop out the seeds and still have a decent amount of flesh left to use.  Then cut the skin off and either use a slicer or cut into rectangle slices.  I got this slicer for $10 and it makes the process much easier.
 Then peel and slice a sweet potato.  Again, super easy with a slicer.
 Then I put it all in a gallon size ziplock bag and added about 1 tsp or 1/2 tbsp of olive oil and about 1/4 a tsp of salt and shook it up to coat the "fries"
 I then put foil on a baking sheet and sprayed with an olive oil nonstick cooking spray.  (if you don't spray these will stick, use either an olive oil spray or you can use a brush or papertowel and lightly spread olive oil around so that they don't stick)

Then bake at a 425F until crispy.  (Butternut squash may not get very crisp, they will be more soft)

Sunday's workout

I worked out with my husband again, so I changed things up a bit. 

First I did some Abs
Lying Leg Raises
2 sets of 12

Push Sit Ups
25 lbs x 12

BW x 12

Hip Abductor and Adductor Machine
1 set of 15 reps on each

Leg Press
180 lbs x 10
270 lbs x 10
320 lbs x 8
360 lbs x 4

Front Squats
45 x 10
65 x 10
95 x 10
105 x 10

135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 1/2 (didnt get it all the way up)

Close Grip Pull ups
Neutral Grip Pull Ups
Chin Ups
2, then 3 assisted
2, then 2 assisted
2, then 2 assisted
Wide Grip Pull ups on Dip Assist

Friday, March 9

the recipe came out good.  If trying, I would only lightly fry, do not make to dark and crispy.  And, I would definitely add more spices.  I'm sure the better crap meat would make a huge difference too, but I used the canned kind (real crab though not imitation.) (minus the crutons)


Barbell Bench
45 lbs x 10
65 lbs x 5
95 lbs x 10, 10, 8, 6, 6

Seated Cable Row
70 lbs x 10
100 lbs x 8, 8, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4

Lunges (reps are each leg)
45 lbs x 5
85 lbs x 10, 8, 6, 6, 5, 5

Good Mornings
45 lbs x 10
85 lbs x 10, 10, 10, 10

Hanging leg raises
BW x 10, 10, 10, 10

In here I had someone teach me to front squat
45 lbs x 5

Calves in leg press
200 lbs x 10
280 lbs x 10, 10, 10

Preacher Curls dumbbells (reps each arm)
15 lbs x 10
20 lbs x 8, 8, 8, 6, 6

Reverse Fly
50 lbs x 10 (I'm counting this in my 40 reps bc it HURT and I tire easily on this)
60 lbs x 6, 6, 6, 6,

I followed this with a protein shake at my gym

Meal Plan for the week

Please excuse the formatting. I copied from word.  I will try to clean it up later after my workout.
Friday March 9th

·         Omelet made with:
o   2 omega 3 eggs and equal amount of egg whites
o   Chopped onions
o   Spinach
o   Mushrooms
o   Sundried tomatoes
o   Cooked in coconut oil

·         Coconut Almond Banana Protein Smoothie
o   Ingredients: will be tweaked when I make it
§  Coconut milk (the half gallon kind)
§  Almond butter
§  Vanilla
§  Chocolate protein powder
§  Unsweetened chocolate powder
§  Coconut oil
§  Banana
·         Grilled Hamburgers (no bun for me, hubby insists on a bun)
·         Butternut Squash & Sweet Potato Baked Fries

·         Breadless Crab Cakes a la
·         Salad with a lemon mustard dressing (will share recipe when I make it)

Saturday March 10

·         Omelet made with:
o   3 omega 3 eggs
o   Chopped onions
o   Spinach
o   Mushrooms
o   Sundried tomatoes
o   Bell peppers
o   Cooked in coconut oil

·         Southwest Salad with fajita chicken & cilantro lime dressing
o   Fajita chicken
o   Black beans
o   Avocado
o   Corn
o   Spinach
o   Red onion
o   Oil & vinegar
o   Lime juice
o   cilantro

·         Tbd

·         Spice Rubbed Pork Chops
·         String beans
·         Grilled Sweet Potatoes with cinnamon

Sunday March 11

·         Coconut Almond Protein Smoothie
o   Ingredients: will be tweaked when I make it
§  Coconut milk (the half gallon kind)
§  Almond butter
§  Vanilla
§  Chocolate protein powder
§  Unsweetened chocolate powder
§  Coconut oil

Lunch (Postworkout)
·         Grilled chicken
·         Roasted red peppers, yellow squash, red onions
·         Quinoa cooked in vegetable stock

·         Tbd

·         Parmesan crusted tilapia
o   Pasture butter & olive oil
o   Grated parmesan cheese
o   Garlic
·         Garlic & herb grilled purple potatoes
·         Asparagus

Monday March 12

·         Omelet made with:
o   3 omega 3 eggs
o   Chopped onions
o   Spinach
o   Mushrooms
o   Sundried tomatoes
o   Bell peppers
o   Cooked in coconut oil

·         Tuna Salad
o   Spinach
o   Can of tuna
o   Kalmatta olives
o   Red onion
o   Feta cheese
o   Olive oil & balsamic vinegar

·         Tbd

·         Chicken fajitas
o   Fajita chicken
o   Avocado
o   Cheddar
o   Peppers and onions
o   Sour cream

Tuesday March 13

·         Coconut Almond Banana Protein Smoothie (Postworkout)
o   Ingredients: will be tweaked when I make it
§  Coconut milk (the half gallon kind)
§  Almond butter
§  Vanilla
§  Chocolate protein powder
§  Unsweetened chocolate powder
§  Coconut oil
§  Banana

·         Everything But the Kitchen Sink Salad
o   Chicken
o   Greens
o   Broccoli
o   Cauliflower
o   Onions
o   Sprouts
o   Etc
o   Basically whatever veggies are around
o   Topped with oil & vinegar

·         Tbd

·         Chipless Nachos
o   Lean ground beef
o   Refried beans
o   Sliced black olives
o   Cheddar cheese
o   Avocado
o   Sour cream

Wednesday March 14
B Breakfast
 Omelet made with:
o   3 omega 3 eggs
o   Chopped onions
o   Spinach
o   Mushrooms
o   Sundried tomatoes
o   Bell peppers
o   Cooked in coconut oil

·         Southwest Salad with fajita chicken & cilantro lime dressing
o   Fajita chicken
o   Black beans
o   Avocado
o   Corn
o   Spinach
o   Red onion
o   Oil & vinegar
o   Lime juice
o   cilantro

·         Tbd

·         Beef Stew

Thursday March 15

·         Coconut Almond Banana Protein Smoothie (Postworkout)
o   Ingredients: will be tweaked when I make it
§  Coconut milk (the half gallon kind)
§  Almond butter
§  Vanilla
§  Chocolate protein powder
§  Unsweetened chocolate powder
§  Coconut oil
§  Banana

·         Tuna Salad
o   Spinach
o   Can of tuna
o   Kalmatta olives
o   Red onion
o   Feta cheese
o   Olive oil & balsamic vinegar

·         Tbd

·         Chicken Stirfry
o   Chicken
o   Sesame oil
o   Soy sauce
o   Water chestnuts
o   Frozen bag of stir fry veggies
o   mushrooms

Friday March 16

·         Omelet made with:
o   3 omega 3 eggs
o   Chopped onions
o   Spinach
o   Mushrooms
o   Sundried tomatoes
o   Bell peppers
o   Cooked in coconut oil

·         Everything But the Kitchen Sink Salad
o   Chicken
o   Greens
o   Broccoli
o   Cauliflower
o   Onions
o   Sprouts
o   Etc
o   Basically whatever veggies are around
o   Topped with oil & vinegar

·         Tbd

·         TBD @ a Japanese Restaurant for my daughter’s birthday

Snack Ideas
·         Almonds, walnuts, cashews
·         Vegetables
·         Seconds of lunch
·         Skinny muffins